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Pasado Perfecto Continuo – voz pasiva

Usamos la voz pasiva en inglés por varias razones. Aquí vamos a ocuparnos del Pasado Perfecto Continuo en la voz pasiva y con explicaciones. Por regla general, usamos la voz pasiva cuando el enfoque está acerca de la acción y NO en quién o qué está cumpliendo la acción.

Construcción: had + been + being + participio pasado

Verbo ejemplar: finish

I had been being finished  We had been being finished
You had been being finishedYou (guys) had been being finished
He/she/it had been being finished  They had been being finished

El sujeto es desconocido. No sabemos quién o qué es el sujeto.

  • Something in the sky had been being observed by our telescope.
  • I’m not sure what had been being found at the worksite.

Usamos la voz pasiva para enfatizar el sujeto.

  • James was the one who had been being held accountable for his actions.
  • The criminal had been being trialled by the jury.

Usamos la voz pasiva para hablar acerca de verdades muy generales.

  • Planets had been being surrounded by space for as long as we know.
  • Our star, the sun, had been being orbited by our earth for billions of years.
verbos ingles

Usamos la voz pasiva si queremos ser poco claros o vagos sobre el tema/sujeto.

  • Something, I’m not sure what had been being affected by our latest updates.

Usamos la voz pasiva cuando el sujeto es irrelevante (nos da igual quién o qué ha causado la acción).

  • Something in the lab had been being interfered with. I’m not sure what it was.
  • So, what had been being done then?

Usamos la voz pasiva en un ambiente más formal como en una tesis o una redacción importante, como, por ejemplo, redacciones científicas.

  • New experiments had been being taken by our team of scientists.
  • Criminal charges had been being passed by our investigation team.

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