So y such
¿Qué diferencia hay entre so y such? Usamos ‘such’ con un nombre (tener o no tener adjetivo de antemano), siempre hay que poner un nombre. Es también muy habitual utilizar los artículos ‘an/a, the’ antes del nombre.
Usamos ‘so’ antes de un adjetivo o un adverbio solo
(Nunca empleamos un artículo con ‘so’).
- She was so great.
- David was so funny yesterday.
- Why are you acting so weirdly?
Ejemplos de ‘such’ con un nombre, un artículo y no artículo
- My friends are such nice people.
- I’m such a great guy.
- You’re such a horrible person. Why did you do that?
- We had such a pleasant time, and now unfortunately we have to leave.
- His colleagues at work are such decent people.
- Maria is such a liar.
- It’s such a pain having to catch the subway.
- Man, he’s such an interesting fellow.
Ejemplos de ‘so’ con adjetivos y adverbios
- Why are you so crazy and stupid?
- I’m so annoyed at you for your behaviour.
- How did the Chinese lesson go? It went so well, thanks.
- Why are you shouting at him so rudely?
- How are you feeling? I’m not so well. I’m feeling sick.
- I’m sorry you’re feeling so ill.
- She’s so happy these days.