Do y make
¿Qué diferencia hay entre do y make? Vamos a intentar ser todo lo concisos que nos sea posible. Echemos un ojo a las reglas y explicación sobre ‘do’.
Se usa ‘do’ para hablar acerca de trabajos y tareas
- Can you do the job that I asked you to do, please? (implica una tarea)
- Are you doing your homework every day, Michael?
- Sometimes, you do weird things.
- He did the dishes.
- Please don’t do the dishes just yet.
- I’m doing the task. (Implica una tarea).
Se utiliza ‘do’ para hablar sobre actividades, cualquier cosa de la que no sepamos el nombre
- What are you doing, Patrick?
- I really don’t like what she’s doing.
- Did you do anything today?
- So, what would you like to do?
- I’m doing some swimming this afternoon.
- What did she do yesterday? She played rugby.
Se utiliza ‘do + gerundio’ (verbo + –ing) para hacer referencia a actividades que duran algún tiempo
(Los determinantes generalmente se usan con esta construcción).
- Have you done any running recently?
- We are going to do some more reading this year.
- It’s important to do a lot of reading.
- Let’s do some more exercising this year.
Empleamos ‘make’ para hablar sobre ‘construcción’ o ‘crear’
- We are making some pastry for the desert.
- Bill is making his own house.
- Can you make me a cake?
- Steven, my brother, is making some sculptures.
Además de las reglas, también hay algunas excepciones a las reglas que son fijas y que hay que aprender de memoria
- Do: exercise, sport, business, good, harm, one’s duty, one’s teeth, one’s hair, one’s best, x amount of Km, a favour
- Make: money, a noise, a journey, an offer, a decision, an attempt, love, peace, war, a profit, a fortune, an exception, a mistake, an excuse, a suggestion, a fire, progress, a phone call, an effort, arrangements