Bring y take
¿Qué diferencia hay entre bring y take? Es normal confundir estos dos verbos dadas sus semejanzas.
- Bring tiene el sentido de movimiento hacia dónde el hablante o cosa está, es decir, en su dirección, y no alejándose del hablante.
- Take tiene el sentido de movimientos que se alejan del hablante/oyente/objeto y que NO vienen hacia ellos.
Bring: movimiento que se dirige hacia la persona u objeto
- I brought you to my home yesterday.
- I really appreciate you bringing us here.
- My big brother brought us to his new apartment.
- I’m going to bring you a nice present.
- Don’t bring me any more people to our hotel, we’re full.
Take: movimiento que se aleja de la persona u objeto
- I would like you to take the meal to your father, please.
- Our friends, Mike and Sarah took their car to the garage for repairs.
- A robber has taken my belongings.
- My teacher took my homework and marked it.
- I’m going to take your phone to the shop.
- Take these papers, please.