Although y though
Las dos palabras, although y though funcionan como conjunciones y se pueden usar indistintamente sin problemas. ‘Though’ es un adverbio. Recuerda, por definición las conjunciones son, según la RAE. Algunas conjunciones son: and, but y although.
Although y though como conjunciones
- Although she’s being mean to us, we’re going to have to be patient.
- Though I was born in Australia, I still get to retain my New Zealand citizenship.
- We would love to see you this weekend, though we’ll only be able to stay for a short time because we’re busy.
- She’ll come around tonight, although she’s feeling a little ill.
Though: es un adverbio con el significado de ‘no obstante’ o ‘sin embargo’
- What an amazing day for our teams, and them, though.
- Jake would like to say, though, that you haven’t been the best friend.
- The strangest thing, though, is that you won’t do your homework.